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I make your dynamics and potentials visible to you and show you ways and solutions that bring you into the embodiment of your essence and power

I could write fancy texts here now to market something to you, but honestly: this is no longer the current time. I created this page because I want to share my gift of seeing behind the veil and being able to “clairvoyantly” and “clairsentiently” with the community. That’s what I’m here for. I love to breathe new life and vitality into others through a new perspective, solutions or by revealing hidden potentials and dynamics. Turning chaos into order. I am only the instrument. I receive images, feelings and impressions when I come into contact with someone and can translate these into words that are usually deeply transformative, enlightening and healing. When I speak, a transformation takes place in the auric field at the same time.

Never before has the voice of our true nature called to us as much as it does today. Hearing it is one thing, really grounding it, embodying it and holding it is another. I am happy to help you to see clearly again in unclear moments and to stay with yourself when things are difficult. It doesn’t matter which area of life is involved. What shows up is what should show up.

I also offer counseling in life crises and exceptional situations, especially spiritual crises, such as dealing with emotional, physical and mental awakening symptoms. I also guide through the dynamics of twin flame relationships. Whatever it is that is troubling your heart, with me you will find a listening ear and a clear, deeply transformative answer.


Voices about my work

Book your session with me

No two sessions with me are the same, which is why I have neither fixed prices nor a fixed approach. I work 100% individually according to the needs of your energy system. My support can take place live on site, by phone, via Zoom or text message – whatever suits you. Let’s get in touch so that we can find out which space would like to open up.

About me

I am walking transformation...

Everywhere I go, the veils of illusion fall. It’s as if, since a near-death experience in 2018, my system makes everything I come close to vibrate. What was hidden can no longer remain hidden: It practically uncovers itself. Everything begins to shake in order to free itself from what is blocked, not true or wants to be transformed. What remains at the end is the pure essence. Everything that is not real falls away.
Since 2018, I have been helping other people to recognize their very own highest potential and to unfold it authentically and confidently, as well as to transform their own shadow issues. Old traumas and unexplained physical symptoms often play a role in this. People come to me who have realized that there is no fulfillment on the outside as long as we are not fulfilled on the inside and take responsibility for ourselves. It is no longer so important to them to represent something that pleases others. They want to embody peace and fulfillment. But how? That’s the big question that everything in my work revolves around.

I myself have gone through a long journey from being a depressed, suicidal, co-dependent and alcoholic executive to embodying my very own essence, including vocation, dream partner, own family and holistic health on all levels. I once walked through my dark cellar and found the light within me. I have dedicated my whole life to this path. Today I know a recipe for embodying and serving my highest potential. I am happy to pass this gift on to those who are ready to explore and liberate the depths of their soul. Do you want to unwrap it?

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